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    From Saturday the 15th to Sunday the 23rd of February the following applications are open. Blaine County Sherriffs Department Los Santos Metropolitan Police Department San Andreas Fire & Rescue San Andreas Emergency Medical Services Civilian Applications are still open and they do not have a closing date. Good Luck to all of those who apply.
  5. until
    Communications apllications are open for 14 days. Application link: https://safrp.co/application/form/13-communications-application/
  6. until
    Commincation Applicatons are open until Sunday the 29th. Application link: https://safrp.co/application/form/13-communications-application/
  7. until
    If you would like to join the Communications Departmant our applications are open for two weeks.
  8. until
    If you would like join the San Andreas Commmunications Department you can find the application here https://safrp.co/application/form/13-communications-application/
  9. until
    If you would like join the San Andreas Commmunications Department you can find the application here https://safrp.co/application/form/13-communications-application/
  10. Can we join the discord server without being employed or a civilian?

  11. can i get a new invite to the discord server i was having technical issues for the last few weeks and i wasn't able to access everything 

  12. until
    Communications applications are open from 2 weeks. Application link: https://safrp.co/application/form/13-communications-application/
  13. I found a quote that I think means a lot

     Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood. 

    I found it on google..... 

  14. I am sorry for my application is not the greatest I am still new to applying for a FiveM community, but I am hoping that I get the chance to be in this community I have heard a lot of good things about this community from a lot of youtubers. It would be a new experience for me if I get accepted and I am willing to take the challenges and make good progress to expand my roleplay experience. 

  15. until
    Apply today until the 6th of October!
  16. Quote of the day-a wise person once told me. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened

  17. Quote of the day-beautiful things don’t ask for attention.

  18. Little quote of the day “Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.”—John Wayne.

  19. until
    Communication applications will be open for two weeks.
  20. until
    Applications are open from 08/26/2024 - 09/01/2024.
  21. until
    From 08/26 to 09/01 Apply today!
  22. until
    Apply today until the 8th of September
  23. until
    Apply today!
  24. until
    This is the August recruitment round for the Communications Department.
  25. until
    Communications applications are open for 2 weeks. Applicaation link: https://safrp.us/application/form/10-communications-department/
  26. until
    Civilian Applications will be open from the 16 of June until the 30th of June!
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