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  • SA'F

    Mission Statement

    The Civilian Department is the heart of the SA'F family, focused on respect, creativity and a sense of belonging. We are the center of all first-responder role-play within the community, where members are able to create unique characters and build original storylines surrounding them. Civilians have a wide variety of abilities: from criminal roleplay, to accident scenes, to opening a variety of businesses such as the 24/7, to taking on jobs such as DOT! If you wish for a place which will embrace your unleashed and extensive creativity, then the Civilian Department is the place for you.

    Civilian Department Command Staff

    Civilian Director - [CD-01] T. Riker

    Deputy Civilian Director - Vacant

    Assistant Civilian Director - [ACD-03] L. Tigger

    Civilian Operations Head - Vacant

    Civilian Managers - [CM-05] A. Briggs, [CM-06] C. Stevens, [CM-07] O. West

    Our Organizations!

    Our department has many illegal/legal organizations you may join and partake in!! Below you will see a few examples!

    San Andreas Shifters


    Life-Line Foundation


    University Health Network


    Starlight Motors


    Fleet Maintance

  • SA'F

    Chain of Command

    Civilian Director

    As the head of the department, the Civilian Director oversees all department operations. Only the most important and extreme issues will be reported to and handled by them.

    Deputy Civilian Director

    Second in command of the department, the Deputy Civilian Director will work side by side with the Governor. Acting as a right-hand man, they will help with whatever might be needed and assist overseeing department operations.

    Assistant Civilian Director

    Third in command, an Assistant Civilian Director is the head administrator of the department. They oversee all departments forms and deal with extreme issues reported to them by a Civilian Manager.

    Divisional Operations Head

    The first person in Civilian Administration, the Civilian Operations Director's main job is Internal Affairs and keeping all documents in order. They assist with any extreme issues in conjunction with the Secretary of State.

    Civilian Manager

    A Civilian Office Manager, sometimes abbreviated as CM, oversees the rest of Civilian CoC and make sure all jobs are getting done in a timely manner. For any and all major issues they will report to the Civilian Administration so it can be handled accordingly.

    Civilian Supervisor

    A Civilian Supervisor, also known as a CS, are in charge of keeping track of certain department forms. They also are in charge of operating the CoC owned businesses.

    Civilian Advisor

    The start of Chain of Command, a Civilian Advisor, or CA, will respond to DMs from civilians. They will also DM civilians the information they need to continue to roleplay from civilian department forms.

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