Mission Statement
The Blaine County Sheriff’s Department strives to provide adequate resources in the action of protecting life, liberty, and property, providing these services with respect, compassion, and integrity.
Sheriff's Department Command Staff
Sheriff - [200] Vacant
Undersheriff - [201] Vacant
Chief Deputy - [202] Vacant
Major - [203] B. Taylor
Captain - [204] Vacant
Captain - [205] N. Wakefield
Lieutenant - [206] H. Quirky
Lieutenant - [207] Vacant
Our Subdivisions!
Our department has many subdivisions within to allow our members to expand their knowledge and allow us to properly handle any situation at hand!
Traffic Enforcement Division
TED Commander: Vacant
TED Assistant Commander: Vacant
TED Supervisor: VacantThe Traffic Enforcement Division (T.E.D) is a subdivision within the Blaine County Sheriff’s Department that primarily focuses on Traffic enforcement and the suppression of aggressive drivers. All members of T.E.D are expected to be very well versed with the Traffic section (SA107R) within the San Andreas Penal Code. Our Traffic Enforcement Division also utilizes different proactive activities such as DUI checkpoints, and basic maintenance checks to ensure the roads in Blaine County are the safest possible at all times. Deputies active as Traffic enforcement also have the ability to run stationary radar on the County’s busy freeways.
Game Warden
Game Warden Commander: [210] Sgt. B. Taylor
Game Warden Assistant Commander: Vacant Game Warden Supervisor: VacantGame Wardens are responsible for upholding all of the fish, wildlife, camping, forest, and marine laws within the jurisdiction of Blaine County and surrounding areas when needed.
K9 Division
K9 Commander: [206] Lt. H. Quirky
K9 Assistant Commander: Vacant
K9 Supervisor: [209] Sergeant T. Evans
Our objective in the K-9 specialty division is to enforce the laws of San Andreas with the assistance of our canine workers. Their abilities will be utilized to go above and beyond the strengths of the deputies around them. They will locate drugs, bombs, weapons, victims, and suspects all for the purpose of protecting the citizens of Blaine County, San Andreas.
Strategic Response Unit
Special Operations Commander: [205] Captain N. Wakefield
Assistant Commander: Vacant
The Strategic Response Unit (SRU) is a group of the BCSD's most elite deputies. These deputies have been trained as a high performing operator in tactical scenarios. Theses scenarios include barricaded suspects, hostage situations, EOD situations, high risk warrants, and other high risk scenarios. The SRU division has many certifications to aid with these high risk situations which include Tactical Medic (TEMS), Sniper, and the Explosive Ordinances Unit (EOD).
Criminal Investigations Division
Chief Investigator: Vacant
Asst. Chief Investigator: Vacant
Investigations Supervisor: Vacant
The Criminal Investigations Division (CID) of the Sheriff's Department is tasked with investigating major crimes committed in Blaine County. This includes Homicides, Firearms, Narcotics, Organized Crime/Gangs, Theft, and other high profile cases. Detectives within CID gain evidence of these crimes throughout their investigation which help bring justice to the criminals of San Andreas. They also perform search warrants with SRU, and conduct interviews of witnesses and suspects.